Disconnect-Reconnect, 4 Ways of Seeing
4 Ways of Seeing is a new group of artists comprising CDS member Jill Ogilvy along with Sue Law, Judy Logan, and Deanna Tyson. They wanted to hold exhibitions not only to feature their own work, but also to collaborate in exploring the themes and concerns that unite them. These artists have exhibited with one another for over a decade, their work featuring together in exhibitions in London and Norwich, as well as in Cambridge.
The 4Ways launch exhibition is entitled Disconnect – Reconnect and will feature a variety of artworks including paintings, prints, sculptures and textile pieces at Cambridge Artspace from 17th -19th May.
It certainly feels like we are living in a time of extreme disconnection, but the question is how do we reconnect? The artists will be making a special piece of artwork responding to this theme. Whether through painting, sculpture, textiles or print, each artist will specifically create a piece of artwork reflecting what Disconnect – Reconnect means to them.